
All you need to know about glueing polycarbonate

Are you going to glue polycarbonate? Then there are several points to consider because ordinary adhesives won’t work. Follow our tips and tricks and glueing polycarbonate will be a piece of cake.

Requirements for glueing polycarbonate:

Which adhesive should you use for polycarbonate?

Glueing polycarbonate works in precisely the same way as glueing perspex. You can even use the same adhesive for both: Acrifix 192 acrylic adhesive. The main difference between Acrifix and a standard adhesive is ​​that Acrifix causes the contact surfaces to soften and fuse. So it seems more like welding, but you apply it like an adhesive. Unlike standard glue, Acrifix is ​very watery and will therefore not fill in any imperfections. Apply it between the contact surfaces with a thin needle.

Step 1: Start by sanding your polycarbonate

Before you can begin glueing, sand the edges as smoothly as possible. Start with coarse grit and finish with fine grit. It’s best to use a wood bobbin to sand curved edges.

Step 2: Clean with an antistatic cleaner

After sanding, clean your polycarbonate sheet with an antistatic cleaner and rub it dry with an antistatic cloth.

Antistatic cleaner for polycarbonate

Step 3: Remove the protective foil

Is the polycarbonate dust-free? Now remove the foil from the parts that you’re going to glue. Note: leave the foil on the areas that you aren’t going to glue to protect the polycarbonate from getting scratched.

Step 4: Apply your acrylic adhesive

Put on your gloves and goggles to prevent the Acrifix from getting in your eyes or on your skin. Then take the Acrifix adhesive and apply it accurately to the edges that you want to glue. If any glue gets on to places where you don’t want it, you’ll probably be tempted to wipe it off immediately. Don’t do this! Wait and let the glue evaporate and disappear, or you’ll be left with stains.

Step 5: Keep the glued surfaces fixed.

Keep both surfaces fixed in place for at least 15 minutes to allow the Acrifix to dissolve ​​completely. Use two wooden bobbins for this. After 24 to 48 hours, the adhesive bond will have reached its full strength.

More DIY tips for polycarbonate.

Would you like to know more about processing polycarbonate? Check out our other blogs for handy tips, inspiration and ideas.

Ordering polycarbonate

In our webshop, you can order your polycarbonate sheet in a range of thicknesses and colours. We saw the sheet cut to size for you free of charge. If you’re not sure what thickness you need for your project, please use our free thickness aid.