
Cleaning Dibond

The way in which you clean Dibond depends on the type of aluminium Dibond and the area of application of the panel: inside or outside. Let’s start with the distinction in the top layers: Dibond / Alupanel is available with different surface finishes: coated or sanded aluminium. The coated sheets can be cleaned with a mild shampoo such as Kenotek Brilliant Wash, preferably using a terry cloth for cleaning. You can dry the panel with a microfibre cloth, this cloth is also the most suitable for dusting Dibond sheets.

Sanded sheets can be cleaned with the same cleaning agents. Never use abrasives such as Cif to clean a sanded sheet as this disturbs the surface pattern and gives annoying reflections. Sanded sheets must always be cleaned in the direction of the sanding pattern. Use a soft, lint-free terry cloth for this. With regard to panels that are used outdoors (such as signposts or nameplates), there may be deposits of algae and soot particles on the plate. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents or acids to remove this deposit, but only mild detergents. A soft brush is ideal for removing these deposits.

Dibond cleaning step by step

For aluminium Dibond that is exposed to wind and weather and is contaminated by algae deposits and soot/particulate matter, we advise cleaning the sheet in the following steps:

Step 1: Wet the entire surface of the panel using a cloth or a garden hose to loosen the dirt.

Step 2: Remove the coarse dirt with a soft cloth or a washing brush.

Step 3: Clean the panel with a high-pressure sprayer or garden hose – coated sheets must never be sprayed with the high-pressure sprayer!

Step 4: Wash the panel with mild soapy water using Kenotek Brilliant Wash detergent.

Step 5: Rinse the panel thoroughly and dry it with a clean, soft cloth.

All the supplies needed to clean these panels are available in our webshop.

Cleaning Dibond