
Greenhouse replacement glass

Did you know that acrylic and polycarbonate have many advantages over regular glass for greenhouse glass? With this clear plastic, you are not only assured of optimum light, but the impact resistance is also many times better than that of regular glass. It is also very easy to replace your current greenhouse glass with plastic, because you can easily order the plastic sheets in any desired shape and size. Curious about plastic greenhouse glass? Order your greenhouse glass cut to size!

Acrylic greenhouse glass

When using acrylic as greenhouse glass, a clear glass option is of course the most logical choice. The thickness is also important to keep the acrylic glass panes manageable and lightweight. Depending on the size of your desired acrylic glass panes and the amount of wind force that will hit your greenhouse glass, a thickness of 4 to 8 mm is recommended. 4 mm is still reasonably flexible, but more suitable as a wall pane, rather than as a roof pane. A roof pane, with a sheet thickness of 4 mm may sag.

DIY Greenhouse perspex

Polycarbonate greenhouse glass

Besides acrylic, another material available is clear polycarbonate. These sheets are extremely impact-resistant and do not yellow under UV light. This makes them ideal for a greenhouse that can take a beating. Hail or even vandals (e.g. for a greenhouse in a public area) are therefore no match for polycarbonate!

Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate as greenhouse glass:

  • Extremely impact-resistant
  • UV-resistant
  • Lightweight
  • Not scratch-resistant

Glass or polycarbonate

Glass and polycarbonate are both clear sheets, only there are many differences that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Glass, for instance, is much more vulnerable to impact, whereas polycarbonate is extremely impact-resistant. Polycarbonate is also much lighter than regular glass. Whereas glass has the advantage of not being easily scratched.

Replacing glass in greenhouses

Glass panes can be replaced for plastic ones, without having to modify the greenhouse. Make sure you measure and choose the right thickness. Take into account the possible expansion of the plastic due to heat. You can do this by leaving a margin of 0.6 mm per metre for every 10 degrees of expected temperature variation.

Thickness of greenhouse glass

The most suitable thicknesses for greenhouse glass are 4 to 8 mm. This depends on the desired strength and flexibility of the material. A 4 mm sheet for example, is more flexible than the 8 mm sheet, and therefore better to use as a wall pane, than as a roof pane.

Cut to size greenhouse glass

Ordering your greenhouse glass is very easy. Go to the product page of the sheet of your choice and calculate your desired sheet in the sheet calculator.

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